March 28, 2025 -

  • 419.517.8400

Join Us!

Welcoming Community

By becoming a member of Congregation B’nai Israel, you become part of a warm and welcoming community that provides religious traditions and services, educational activities for all ages, social programming, and life-cycle experiences for you and your family.

No matter what your age, whether married or single, minimally involved or active, observant or not, we offer you many opportunities to deepen your Jewish roots and find your Jewish voice.

Below is an overview of what we offer:

Daily & Shabbat Services

Shacharit ~ Mincha ~ Ma'ariv

Cantorial Services

Leads congregation in prayer

Hospital and shut-in visitations

Bar/Bat Mitzvah & Haftorah preparation

Memorial Plaque dedication

Leads Classes

Adult Education

Weekly Shabbat Kiddush lunches

Scholar in Residence Weekend

Shabbat Dinner & Programs

S.O.A.P. (Synagogue Organized Afternoon Program) - A discussion of Jewish current events


Yahrzeit notification letters

Names published in weekly Shabbat Torah guide and monthly bulletin

Names announced during the week and at Shabbat services

Memorial (Yahrzeit) Plaques (extra cost)

Annual Yizkor Book (extra cost)


High Holiday Junior Congregation Services

Consecration & Confirmation ceremonies

Monthly religious, cultural and educational activities (i.e. Purim, Simchat Torah, Hanukkah)

Religious School, Torah Tots, Tot Shabbat

Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Ceremony

Provides Candle Holders (Bat) & Kiddush Cup (Bar) to every Bar & Bat Mitzvah child

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Preparation Classes

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Family Programs

Cantor Preparation Classes

Member Special Rates

Cemetery Plots (these are free with membership)

Social Hall Rental

Continuing Education

High Holy Days

High Holiday Seats included with Membership Fee

Complimentary reciprocal seating at any other U.S.C.J. synagogue (must be pre-arranged through the office)


Youth Services


Chagim - Celebrations

Tu B’Shevat, Selihoth, Shavuot, Simchat Torah, Hanukkah, Purim

Shabbat Dinners, Kiddush Lunches

Holiday Dinners, Sukkot, Hanukkah


Free Membership

Book Review Discussion Group


Shabbat Torah Guide (weekly)

CBI Website


Yizkor Book

Congregation B'nai Israel
6525 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560
419.517.8400|Email Us