March 28, 2025 -

  • 419.517.8400

New Member Welcome Activities

Connect with Our Spiritual Community

Congregation B’nai Israel welcomes those who would like to connect with the Jewish Community and encourages the participation of interfaith families in all activities. We are a diverse congregation and welcome LGBT individuals and couples, interfaith families, singles, and seniors to join us. We have a number of activities/initiatives to help you get connected with our spiritual community.

  • Created a “Welcome New Member” packet of information about programs at CBI. Contact Outreach Coordinator Rhoda Miller to receive one.
  • Developed a volunteer interest survey to find out how new and current members would like to become involved in programs.
  • Call new members to invite them to attend or participate in specific activities/programs.
  • Recognize new members in the bulletin with photos and general information about their interests.
  • Assembled New Member gifts and delivered them to members’ homes (unless they preferred to pick them up at the shul).
  • Have several Shabbat potluck Friday night dinners in homes of members. This is a great way for prospective and new members to feel more welcome in a small group, warm environment.
  • Offer beginning Hebrew classes for adults.
  • Provide a transliterated Shabbat service booklet for Jews and Non-Jews alike.
  • Held a new member Shabbat to honor and formally introduce our new members to the congregation. Some new members are encouraged to participate in the services.
  • Host weekly Shabbat Kiddush luncheons where prospective members are welcomed and can meet others in a warm and inclusive atmosphere. Kiddush luncheons also follow some holiday morning services.
  • We have a welcoming congregation, and new and prospective members are greeted warmly by congregants and clergy.

Congregation B'nai Israel
6525 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560
419.517.8400|Email Us